Hearing loops are the latest form of technology benefiting those with hearing impairments. The technology is based on many years of research. Certainly we’ve come a long way since the days of the hearing trumpet! With such advances in technology, it’s possible to filter out background noises and frequencies, such as in a crowded meeting or in a public place like a train station. By getting rid of that background “fluff,” hearing loops allow people with hearing aids to zero in on what is being said to them. This is a great advantage to the hearing impaired community, thanks to awareness of hearing loss and the availability of affordable technology. Hearing loops are gaining traction as a mainstay in conference rooms, concert halls and businesses all over the place in an effort to become more hearing impaired friendly. Check out what we have to say about hearing loops and how they work.

What Are Hearing Loops?

Hearing loops, made possible through two basic forms of technology, incorporate the basic hearing aid itself as well as a physical feature in the form of a cable that is threaded through the room. It’s this cable that connects ambient sound with the user so they can pick up on conversations and details through their hearing aid.

A Closer Look

This two-part system works thanks to a basic mechanism that came about from research involving telephone technology. The loop is placed around a room or area to detect and transmit sounds via electromagnetic signals that are powerful enough to be detected by a telecoil. These telecoils are what makes handset telephones obtain better ranges and signals when away from the base.
The coupling of hearing aids and remote telecoil technology originates from the t-switches are inherent in most hearing aids and cochlear implants that we see today. The switch makes it possible for the individual to access electromagnetic sounds sent through the hearing loop when activated in the hearing aid. This results in the ability to pinpoint sounds in a more clear way minus all the distraction that comes with background noises and the use of a single hearing aid. These loops also work in conjunction with microphones for an even clearer display of conversations during meetings.


Hearing loops are gaining attention thanks to increase awareness within the hearing impaired community. Present in many town halls, conference rooms and in public places like airports, hearing loops are making leaps and bounds in technology to benefit those with hearing loss. Now, people can focus on the details of what is being said in without having to contend with all the background noise. Many laws are in the works for states to implement in hearing loops in public places.

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